You are missing the whole point. The decline of the working class has happened just as much under the left as the right. In the last 50 years or so power in America has been shared just about equally by the left and the right in senate, the house and the presidency. If the left had the answer we would not have such a downward trend. The middle class has been beaten down by a policy mix of a system that has tilted towards the rich through tax avoidance and mergers, Wall Street policies and weakening of unions. Other factors include a ridiculous "free trade" policy that has destroyed factories and middle class jobs, increased education requirements coupled with higher education costs, too much immigration, which has lowered wages and to many local zoning requirements that restrict housing construction and make buying a home to expensive. Trump to his credit at least addressed trade and immigration however he pretty much ignored the other issues and had other weaknesses as president. Biden to his credit is making a good effort to reverse some economic policies that will make the rich pay more and help the middle class. However, he is partially reversing Trump's immigration policy which will hurt working class wages. (For now, he has held on to most of Trumps trade policies but there is more that needs to be done on trade) Neither Trump or Biden or any other politician left or right is really addressing the other issues that I mentioned such as zoning, Wall Street reform, lowering and eliminating education requirements and strengthening unions. Calling the middle class names does nothing. The policies that are hurting the middle class need to be adressed.